[comp.sys.apollo] Disks for Apollos - summary of responses

sahayman@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (Steve Hayman) (03/21/89)

Last week I asked for suggestions on purchasing disks for DN3000's.
The prices we were quoted by Apollo are:

	Controller:    $800
	72 Meg disk:  $2000
	155 Meg disk: $2800
	350 Meg disk: $5200

Here's a summary of the responses I got.  Thank you to everyone
who replied.  The net is a great resource.

    From pha@caen.engin.umich.edu Wed Mar 15 10:21:44 1989

    controller - $750 (univ discount from Apollo)
    72 meg - don't bother
    155 meg - drive is available elsewhere for under $1500, but
    you get to put together the cables (trivial,, if you can do a PC)

    380 meg - drive avaible for well under $2000 - look around.

    760 meg - drive available for around $3500 (from memory), but requires
    the new Western Digital disk controller for DN3500, DN4000, DN4500 only.

    Look in places like computer shopper for disk prices.  We buy ours from
    Pioneer Electronics in Plymouth, Michigan.

    Paul Anderson

    From uunet!dbi!morris Thu Mar 16 10:31:23 1989

    Galaxy Systems which I work for has a number of Subsystems for Apollo & SUN
    Workstations. If you could send me your postal address, I be glad to
    send you more information. Our APO-380-IN, which is 380Mbytes Maxtor
    internal drive with controller for Apollo is $3,500.00.


	    Galaxy Systems   Voice 415 341-1856
			     FAX   415 341-1784


    From dbfunk@icaen.uiowa.edu Thu Mar 16 23:00:08 1989

	To add a disk to a diskless DN3000:

    Buy the controller from Apollo, you can buy them from other places
    but they cost almost the same amount and won't work if they don't
    have exactly the correct EPROM on them.

    Don't buy the disk from Apollo, you can get them elsewhere for a
    much better price. You can buy a Maxtor Ext-4380 (348 Mb) disk for
    about $2400 on the open market.

    Use the program "/systest/ssr_util/jumper" to find the controller configuration.
    You may have to create the bad-spot track on the disk. This can be done
    with invol option 7.

    We've done this with both DN3k & DN4k with no problems.

    Dave Funk

    From uiucdcs!uiucuxc!mntgfx!chane Fri Mar 17 22:44:08 1989
    From: uiucdcs!uiucuxc!mntgfx!chane (Chane Cullens  SPD Engr 526-5267)

    The 72 meg drive works in PC's, thus PC trade rags sell it for about $600,
    check the make and model then shop for a "PC" disk.