(Maurice Sharp) (03/22/89)
Hiya, Well, I just wasted 10 hours putting latex up only to remove it all. Before I waste several other hours, could someone answer the following questions : 1) Is the /tex/lucid directory all that is needed to make stuff ? 2) What file(s) do I change to configure tex to our site ? 3) When the thing is built, what do I have to install ? 4) Where are all the bsd manual entries ? For #3, what is all this big-latex & latex stuff. Do I install both, or just one. If it is just big-... do I (can I) change the names from big-latex to latex ? In terms of #4, I found the man entries in /tex/tex82/LaTeXman. If that is it, there are several entries missing. Maurice Sharp Disclaimer : The opinions stated above are wholly my own, and do not reflect the opinions of my employer, mother, or other life forms that do not hold the above opinion. Deotherclaimer : The opinions stated above could, for a small yet competative fee, become your opinions, unless you already have them, in which case I will not charge you royalty. E-MAIL : sharp@ksi.cpsc.UCalgary.CA EAN : sharp@calgary.CDN