(Peter Tonellato) (04/17/89)
Dear Apollo users: We have a DN-10000 and several 3500's running OS 10.1p. We have bsd4.3, SysV, and Aegis running with all relevent compilers (C,PASCAL,FORTRAN). We compute solutions to mathematical equations and have a keen desire to display these solutions in 3-dimensions on this beautiful color graphics terminal. (The demo's are great!) We have developed an elementary graphics package using 3D-GMR primatives, but as of yet, have not been able to realize the full potential of the terminal display because we find GMR awkward. Of course, this is partially (or mainly) due to our inexperience with the Apollo and GMR. Last week we noticed an ad. (SUN OBSERVER,Vol. II,#4; Apr,1989) for a product called PV~WAVE just put out by Precision Visuals (PV) (This is NOT an ad. for PV!!). It seems like the perfect product for our needs. Unfortunately, it only runs on various DEC and SUN machines. I called PV and asked if they intend to port it to Apollo machines. They replied, '... at least not in the next year or so.' Too bad. Anyway, those of you in the same boat as I may want to call PV (1-800-447-7147) and request the port. I would like to know what other's use to display numerical information. Does everyone develop user specific application software? Are there general higher level packages available that are in wide use? Is there shareware of this type available and if so how does one get it. Do you have recommendations, suggestions, and/or comments about graphics packages? If I receive replies directly I will summerize and post any and all responses to this request. Thanks for your input. P.S. I put out a request for F.E.M. software about a month ago. To date only received two responses. I am waiting for others before I post review. Hardly seems worth it yet! Peter J. Tonellato US Mail: Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science Marquette University Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 Voice: 414-224-5228 414-224-7573 Uucp: ...!{uwvax, attmail!glmndd}!marque!tone Bitnet: 6512TONELLAT@MUCSD Arpa: