(Mike Lohmeyer) (05/09/89)
We have several older Apollo computers here at OSU that have broken down. It is not worth having them repaired by Apollo because they are too old and we have several newer machines now. It would be worth repairing them if we could get some working parts or whole units that don't work that could be scraped to repair ours cheaply. The specific machines I am talking about are: 1 DN660 with 8 bit plane graphics. It won't load the microcode. Apollo said it is probably a CPU problem. I don't know if it is the processor array or the 68020 CPU board though. 3 DN330's which work most the time, but they are touchy One has some bad memory problems and another runs ok, but it does not pass its self test on boot up (one of those gotcha bugs, it just hasn't gotten anyone yet). 2 DN300's With bad monitors (common problem I guess). 1 DN420 That won't boot beyond the Phase II shell. This could be because I am trying to install SR9.7 on it. It is a real old machine. Also, I think it has a bad token ring card. 1 DSP 80 which also has a bad token ring card and possible a couple of other problems. I realize that some of these machines are rather old (please no jokes), but they are actually useful to a few of our purposes if they worked. The main one that I would like to fix the the DN660. It was a nice machine in its day, and it has a large disk that we could really use. So if you have some old Apollo equipment lying around that you want to get rid of (working or not), please send me a message and maybe we can work something out. Thanks. Mike Lohmeyer Oregon State University, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department