[comp.sys.apollo] Random Questions from a new Apollo user

roode@hydra.cf.uci.edu (Dana Roode) (05/10/89)

Humor me please, Im new to the world of Apollo (old to the world of
UNIX and SunOS), I have questions for anyone willing to answer them:

*) Where is swap/page space hidden?  I notice creating processes makes
   available disk space go down

*) Can one catalog Apollo nodes across IP-only routers?  Each Apollo
   is on a different subnet -  telnet/ftp is no sweat, but I havent
   figured out how to get them talking to each other in an "Apollo" sense.

*) We are BSD people - will blowing away all the SYS5 stuff cause us

*) Whats the utility of choice for backing up whole-filesystems?

*) My client is about to buy 5-6 more Apollo DN3500 - the campus is
   wired for ethernet.  If he buys ethernet cards instead of ring
   cards will he loose anything in speed or features?

*) The SR10.1 nodes Im currently playing with seem to hang alot and
   sometimes lose track of each other (lcnode -a does not list all
   catalog nodes that can actually be cd'd to, for example).  Is SR10.1
   flakey or is it us?

Thanks for your time - please respond to roode@orion.cf.uci.edu.

     Dana Roode
     UC Irvine