[comp.sys.apollo] Physically start up Apollo

chung@CS.UOREGON.EDU (08/25/89)

Hi, E-buddies:

	Due to the recent move of the CIS department to the new
building, we lost the Apollo Owner's Guide that describes the proper
procedure for starting the apollo file server up.  The guy who knows
how to start it up has gone for vacation.  Is there anyone who knows
how to start it up.  Here is the frame of the file server.

		       /                                         /|
                      /                                         / |
		     -------------------------------------------  |
                     |                                         |  |
		     |                             ----------  |  |
                     |                             |    0   |  |  |
                     |				   ----------  |  |
                     |                             | start  |  |  |
                     |                             ----------  |  |
                     |                             | fault  |  |  |
                     |                             ----------  |  |
                     |                             | wrtprt |  |  |
                     |                             ----------  |  |
                     |                                         |  |
                     |                                         |  |
                     |                                         |  |
                     |-----------------------------------------|  |
                     |                                         |  |
                     |                     --------------------|  |
                     |                     | shutdown | reset ||  |
                     |                     |===================|  |
                     |                     | service  | reset || /|
		     |                     --------------------|/||
                     ||  ||               ||                   ||

	The boxes are the buttons( I assume).

Thanks in advance for the help


Wingkuen Chung				| chung@uoregon.edu
P. O. Box 3120                          | University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403                        | Eugene, OR 97403
(503)485-0844				| (503)686-4151