[comp.sys.apollo] Need help with getty under SR10.1

kerr@tron.UUCP (Dave Kerr) (09/15/89)

I'm having some problems with /etc/getty on SR10.1.0.5 and was hoping
someone out there could help me out.

Problem 1:
When I first brought getty up on the serial port, it failed to 
recognize the erase character. For example when
I'd type:
$ ls^H^H<RET>   (meaning ls backspace backspace return)
I'd get an error:
: Not found.

Operating at a slower baudrate revealed that after pressing return, the
full command including the backspaces would be echoed to the screen
followed by the error message. This seemed to indicate that the backspaces
simply weren't being recognized as being erase characters. Yet stty showed
the erase character to be set properly. This problem existed in both the
sys5 and bsd environments.

I eventually tried using the tctl -default command as:

$ tctl -default -speed 2400 -cvt_nl -bpc 7 -parity even

Which fixed the problem. I assumed that some tctl setting was wrong, and
that the -default option cleared it up. I compared the tctl settings from
one of the "bad" sessions to that of a good session, then issued tctl
commands to make the tctl settings match that of the bad session. When I
did this the erase characters all worked just fine.

So what was the real problem?

Problem 2:
A few hours after things seemed to be working OK, I tried to call in. The
modem connected but then immediately hung up. I tried again with the same
results. I did a kill -1 1 from the node's keyboard and the problem went
away, but problem #1 was back (no erase character), the tctl -default
command fixed the problem.

Problem 3:
Really question 3 :-), Is there a ungetty command or something similar that
allows a modem to be shared for incoming and outgoing calls?


Details of my configuration:
OS: SR10.1.0.5 All three environments installed, currently bsd
	is the default.
Hardware: DN3000, 4MB
Modem: Hayes 2400 Baud Smartmodem. 

Modem Setup:
First I would turn off getty by editing the /etc/ttys file
then kill -1 1. Then using emt I'd connect to the port and 

AT&F&W    Restore factory settings and save
ATS0=1&D2E0Q1&C1&W  Meaning: Auto answer on 1 ring, Recognize DTR, Disable
Command echo, Disable result codes and recognize DCD.

The /etc/ttys entry looks like:

tty01	"/etc/getty D2400"	dialup	on			# Hayes 2400 baud modem 

The /etc/gettytab entry for this is:

# 9/15/89 D. Kerr. Default modified added :to:, changed sp to 2400, made 
#         even parity.
	:ep:fd#1000:im=\r\n\r\nDomain/OS sr10 (%h) (%t)\r\n\r\r\n\r:sp#2400: \

# Fixed speed entries

# Fast dialup terminals, 2400/1200/300 rotary (can start either way)

Dave Kerr (301) 765-4453
kerr%tron.UUCP@umbc3.UMBC.EDU             from an Internet site
kerr@tron.UUCP                            from a smart uucp mailer
{well-connected-site}!netsys!tron!kerr    from a dumb  uucp mailer