[comp.sys.apollo] SLIP on 3500 workstation

ianh@merlin.bhpmrl.oz (Ian Hoyle) (10/04/89)

Is SLIP available on the 68030 workstations, specifically a 3500 ???

If so,
	a) has anyone used it
	b) where is it documented ???? (is it part of SR10.1 ??)


                Ian Hoyle
     /\/\       Computer Systems Superintendent
    / / /\      BHP Melbourne Research Laboratories
   / / /  \     245 Wellington Rd, Mulgrave, 3170
  / / / /\ \    AUSTRALIA
  \ \/ / / /
   \  / / /     Phone   :  +61-3-560-7066
    \/\/\/      ACSnet  :  ianh@merlin.bhpmrl.oz.au
                Internet:  ianh%merlin.bhpmrl.oz.au@uunet.uu.net

wescott@LNIC1.HPRC.UH.EDU (Andrew M. Wescott) (10/04/89)

I think SLIP is supported at SR 10.1 .  I'd start with a "man" on "ifconfig" .
Beyond that I have little information.

Andrew Wescott
University of Houston
Department of Chemical Engineering

cander@unisoft.UUCP (Charles Anderson) (10/05/89)

From article <1302@merlin.bhpmrl.oz>, by ianh@merlin.bhpmrl.oz (Ian Hoyle):
> Is SLIP available on the 68030 workstations, specifically a 3500 ???
> If so,
> 	a) has anyone used it
> 	b) where is it documented ???? (is it part of SR10.1 ??)

Yes it is available in SR 10.1 running on a 3500 and I have used it on
a  number of 3500's.  The only documentation is in the release notes
and the man page foor ifconfig.  The major problem with it is that
Apollo made no provisions for using it with dialup lines.  They provide
no direct way to use the dialup line (it must be SIO 0, another
feature) for users to dialup some of the time and other times use SLIP
on the port.  When I talked to tech support they assumed that it would
always be used by two directly connected machines or at least a leased
line with modems that don't have to dial and answer.

I wrote a couple of programs to enable SLIP to be used on the line
until the modem connection is dropped, at which time SLIP is shutdown
and a getty is respawned.  It involved a lot of monkeying around with
the terminal modes to get them to work with both SLIP and while talking
to the Trailblazer.

One problem still remains: after using SLIP on a line, the line does
not receive/interpret control characters correctly, despite having the
line discipline set up correctly.  This makes it next to useless for
mere mortal users that sometimes want to use backspace or kill.  The
only way to correct this mode is to reboot the node.  I expect Apollo
does some real wierdness to the driver when it's put in SLIP mode
and this cannot be changed from user mode.  It seems to be more than
just pushing a different line discipline: why else wouldn't it work
on the other serial ports?


{sun, amdahl, ucbvax, pyramid, uunet}!unisoft!cander