[comp.sys.apollo] info on libmp needed

andrewn@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Andrew D Nimmo) (10/11/89)

	I need to get information on the multiple precision 
integer routines in libmp (with Domain/OS).  Can anyone from
Apollo send info and bug status.

	I can take TeX, troff, postscript, Context DOC if 
you have any papers etc on the subject.



	Andrew D. Nimmo, VLSI and Graphics Research Group,
	EAPS II, University of Sussex, Falmer, BRIGHTON, East Sussex, BN1 9Qt
	TEL: +44 273 606755 x 2617
	EMAIL: (JANET) andrewn@syma.sussex.ac.uk | (UUCP) ...mcsun!ukc!syma!andrewn