[comp.sys.apollo] Database Generation Tools Wanted

andrewn@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Andrew D Nimmo) (11/17/89)

	Our research group is currently looking for database
creation tools, primarily for input into graphics applications.
A structured text-based and/or graphics based system is considered
suitable - welcome features would include PHIGS+ interfacing, 
C-like syntax, variable output format.

	The graphics applications are intended to cope with an
extensive range of scene descriptions - polygons, splines, 
parameterised forms, patches, etc,. which the database tool 
would not need to know about.

	I would imagine that this type of tool has been done
previously and would welcome any feedback.  I would also like
to hear of the suitability of using such tools as INGRES, AutoCAD,
dBase, etc., with PHIGS+ as a intermediate processing step (for
example) etc.  Any public domain program (C for UNIX) would be
considered by the group, and also commercial software (for Apollo 
DN3XXX/DN4XXX and DN10000 machines).

	Can anyone tell me where to obtain details of the PHIGS+
standard (perhaps in machine-readable form) or an address from 
where it may be purchased.


	Andrew D. Nimmo

| Andrew D. Nimmo, VLSI and Graphics Research Group,			      | 
| EAPS II, University of Sussex, Falmer, BRIGHTON, East Sussex, BN1 9QT	      | 
| TEL: +44 273 606755 x 2617						      | 
| EMAIL: (JANET) andrewn@syma.sussex.ac.uk | (UUCP) ...mcsun!ukc!syma!andrewn |