[comp.sys.apollo] Has anyone ported NCS to a tahoe?

bsw@cci632.UUCP (Brad Werner) (12/15/89)

[I can't seem to cancel that runaway article, as another machine does
 the posts--sorry.]

I've been told by a local HP/Apollo sales rep. that NCS is available on
some non-Apollo machines.  I'm interested in what is involved in getting
it running on another machine; such as any information regarding source
licensing, ease of porting, and existing ports.  In particular, I'm interested
in the availability of an existing port to a CCI 6/32-tahoe running any of
4.[23]BSD, S5R3.

Could someone give me a summary of the internals and/or protocol used by
NCS so I can get an idea of how easy it would be to port if a source license
is available.

Thanks in advance,
//Brad Werner: bsw@cci.com || UUCP: ...!{rochester,ritcv}!cci632!ccird1!bsw

mishkin@apollo.HP.COM (Nathaniel Mishkin) (12/18/89)

In article <32629@cci632.UUCP>, bsw@cci632.UUCP (Brad Werner) writes:
> I've been told by a local HP/Apollo sales rep. that NCS is available on
> some non-Apollo machines.  I'm interested in what is involved in getting
> it running on another machine; such as any information regarding source
> licensing, ease of porting, and existing ports.  In particular, I'm
> in the availability of an existing port to a CCI 6/32-tahoe running any of
> 4.[23]BSD, S5R3.
> Could someone give me a summary of the internals and/or protocol used by
> NCS so I can get an idea of how easy it would be to port if a source license
> is available.

NCS is available in source form and can be ordered from the standard
Apollo price list.  There are two source products:  NCK (runtime library)
and NIDL (stub generator).  The code should port for a BSD system with
virtually no effort.  For System V the difficulty is largely a function
of how much of the bsd socket and select stuff (if any) was ported to
the System V system you have.

The NCS code has (at least at one time or another) been built on systems
from 16 bits (80x86) to 64 bits (Cray UNICOS).  It has been built on
Unix and non-Unix systems (VMS, Prime OS).  It's very portable.

The NCS protocols are specified in the Network Computing Architecture
book just published by Prentice-Hall.