sl11@prism.gatech.EDU (LIEBESKIND,SUSAN H) (12/23/89)
We need to install Domain/X11 on a Apollo 4000 running SR 9.7. We do not have TCP/IP running on our system currently. We want to run the server, client and display all on the same workstation. In the *SR10.x* documentation, it says we can run the server using UDS (Unix Domain Sockets) if TCP is not working correctly. However, we are running on the earlier OS, and on the earlier version of Domain/X11 as well. Is this a valid alternative for Domain/X11 1.0 under SR 9.7? Thanks in advance for any help. Susan Liebeskind -- LIEBESKIND,SUSAN H Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332 uucp: ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!sl11 Internet:
dawson@apollo.HP.COM (Keith Dawson) (01/02/90)
In article <4493@hydra.gatech.EDU> sl11@prism.gatech.EDU (LIEBESKIND,SUSAN H) writes: >We need to install Domain/X11 on a Apollo 4000 running SR 9.7. >We do not have TCP/IP running on our system currently. We >want to run the server, client and display all on the same workstation. > >In the *SR10.x* documentation, it says we can run the server using >UDS (Unix Domain Sockets) if TCP is not working correctly. However, >we are running on the earlier OS, and on the earlier version of >Domain/X11 as well. Is this a valid alternative for Domain/X11 1.0 >under SR 9.7? No, UDS is not supported under SR9.7. When Domain/X11 v1.0 starts up it initializes only a TCP/IP socket, so you must have TCP/IP installed and running to use X at all under SR9.7, even in the local case. ____________________________________________________________ My opinions Keith Dawson Hewlett Packard Co. 508-256-0176 x5739 are my own. Graphics Technology Division / East 300 Apollo Dr. (CHR.03.DE) Chelmsford, MA 01824 USA My convictions Internet: are not for UUCP: {mit-eddie,yale,uw-beaver}!apollo!dawson public display.