[comp.sys.apollo] Please, change our e-mail address

kato@etl.go.jp (Toshikazu Kato) (02/19/90)

Dear colleagues:

We have changed our e-mail address for apollo-mailing-lists 
in Japan.
Please, change your mailing-lists.

(old) apollo.users@etl.jp or apollo.users@etl.junet
(new) apollo.users@etl.go.jp
Thanks in advance....

Toshikazu KATO                          "A human is a creature of feelings"
Interactive  Interface  Systems  Section,   Intelligent  Systems  Division, 
Electrotechincal Laboratory (ETL), Tsukuba Science City, Ibaraki 305, Japan
E-mail: kato@etl.go.jp   VOICE: +81 298 58 5987  FAX: +81 298 58 5989(GIII)

Toshikazu KATO                          "A human is a creature of feelings"
Interactive  Interface  Systems  Section,   Intelligent  Systems  Division, 
Electrotechincal Laboratory (ETL), Tsukuba Science City, Ibaraki 305, Japan
E-mail: kato@etl.go.jp   VOICE: +81 298 58 5987  FAX: +81 298 58 5989(GIII)