jm67@prism.gatech.EDU (MURRAY,JEFFREY P) (03/29/90)
Howdy! I have received several suggestions for compiling under SYS5, but thus far, none have proven even remotely successful. I did indeed write a "null" C executable named "ranlib" and included in my .profile file a pathname which included the directory containing it. This allowed compilation to proceed through the DEV directories. However, I have since been nailed by several files within the CP directory. These look for additional include files (such as time.h) which are not included in SYS5. Specifically, the syntax in question (from the file lexical.c), is as follows: #include <sys/time.h> Now, I really don't want to go adding links from SYS5 to BSD directories, and I HAVE tried altering the -I (include) option in the Makefile for the CP directory...all to no avail. Apparently I will HAVE to hack up the SYS5 include directories to include BSD commands, or its no go. By the way, I really think that BSD commands ARE required, even for HP-UX, because I have encountered at least one place (std.c under /spice3/CP) where the Makefiles essentially tell you that they are going to temporarily use BSD stuff. Am I reading all of this right? Also, am I the only person who has tried to compile under SYS5 thus far (It DOES seem more and more like it as time goes on...:-) Thanks in advance... Jeff . -- MURRAY,JEFFREY P Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332 uucp: ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!jm67 Internet: