[comp.sys.apollo] ADUS Unix SIG participation with Apollo Systems Division

adam@ncifcrf.gov (Adam W. Feigin) (04/09/90)

I have been asked by to 'elect' four members of the ADUS Unix SIG to
enter into a dialogue with the R&D and Engineering teams at the Apollo
Systems Division about what features of Domain/OS should be
implemented in OSF/1.

If you are a member of the ADUS Unix SIG, and are interested in being
one of the four people in the dialogue, please contact me ASAP. I can
be reached by any of the means in my signature..

Also, while I'm at it, if you are interested in presenting a paper at
the 1990 ADUS conference in San Diego, drop me a note, or give me a call.


Internet: adam@ncifcrf.gov			Adam W. Feigin
UUCP: {backbonz}!ncifcrf!adam		    Senior Systems Manager
Mail: P.O. Box B, Bldg 430	National Cancer Institute-Supercomputer Center
      Frederick, MD 21701		Frederick Cancer Research Facility

adam@ncifcrf.gov (Adam W. Feigin) (04/09/90)

Seems as though news cut off my phone number. It is (301) 698-5660

Internet: adam@ncifcrf.gov			Adam W. Feigin
UUCP: {backbonz}!ncifcrf!adam		    Senior Systems Manager
Mail: P.O. Box B, Bldg 430	National Cancer Institute-Supercomputer Center
      Frederick, MD 21701		Frederick Cancer Research Facility