(Patrick Tang Guan Yaw) (05/09/90)
I have some problem trying to get certain process of nn (network news reader) to run in our apollo machines (SR10.2) here. Have anyone has any success to run the following process nnmaster -C -E Note this is without the -r option, which means it should terminate after the update is done. But mine won't and when I use the debugger (dde) to trace, it complains about resolving into more than one location and jump to the part of the code that -r option is using!!! Thanks in advance. ------- Patrick Tang Guan Yaw, Phone : +61 6 268 8882 Dept. of Mathematics, EMAIL-ARPA/CSNET : ADFA, Canberra, 2600. UUCP : ..!uunet!munnari!!gyp AUSTRALIA ACSnet :