[comp.sys.apollo] crpty bug

michel@es.ele.tue.nl (Michel Berkelaar) (05/29/90)

Context: Apollo DN2500 and DN3000, OS 10.2

Recently I had some pty problems, so I decided to rm them all and create
new ones. So, as root I typed 'crpty 16'. This did create the requested ptys,
but when I tried to use them as a normal user, I found out I could not.

Looking closer soon told me that the file mode of the ptyp? and ttyp? files
was crw-r--r--, so they were not writable for anybody but root. Programs
(like gnuemacs) which look for an available pty by checking for read and write
permission will not find any free pty this way. In my opinion, 'crpty' should
create ptys with crw-rw-rw- permission.

So: is this a bug or a feature?

Michel Berkelaar                   | Email: michel@ele.tue.nl
Eindhoven University of Technology |
Dept. of Electrical Engineering    |
Design Automation Section          |
P.O. Box 513                       | Phone: ... - 31 - 40 - 473345
NL-5600 MB Eindhoven               | Fax:   ... - 31 - 40 - 448375
The Netherlands                    |