[comp.sys.apollo] prsvr problem

bonnetf@apo.esiee.fr (bonnet-franck) (06/13/90)

Help !   

I just finished installing "spe" on my DN3000 ( DOMAIN_OS 10.2 , AEGIS , BSD4.3 ) 
When I started it the first time it seemed OK, BUT, when I tried to restart it
The following error message slaped to my face !!!  :

/sys/hardcopy/prsvr /sys/print/pon_config.data
loading object print_genicom from /sys/hardcopy/drivers/genicom 
?(prsvr) Unable register printer with prmgr - printer extension value incorrect (US/print utility)
Server quitting. Please wait
OS status: printer extension value incorrect (US/print utility)

I did a traceback, the result follows :

[tpd1:F501] tb
Process        338 (parent 300, group 300)
Time           90/06/12.17:52(ETE)
Program        /install/ri.apollo.os.v.10.2/sys/hardcopy/prsvr
Status         0402000B: printer extension value incorrect (US/print utility)
No traceback available

Here is my configuration file ( which seems correct ).

device_driver  spinwriter
io_device_name /dev/spe_pio_ddf
printer_name   pon
prmgr_site     print_manager
printer_ext    1
point          10
file_banners   off
paper_size     a4
form_feeds      0

The only workaround I've found, is to increment by one the printer_ext instruction 
Is it a new NON automated VON NEUMANN machine or what ? I can't believe it's true !

I precise that prmgr is running on a 10.1 machine, is there a relationship ? 
My printer is a NEC PINWRITER P7 with a parallel interface.

bonnetf@apo.esiee.fr                     |                                     |
Frank Bonnet                             | Le Destin guide celui qui l'accepte |
E.S.I.E.E                                |                                     |
BP99 93162 Noisy le Grand cedex.FRANCE.  |     et traine celui qui le refuse ! |
Fax   : 33 1 45 92 66 99                 |                                     |