m20563@MWVM.MITRE.ORG (JOHN PYBURN) (07/12/90)
Cc: m17927@mwvm (Uhl, Kenneth R) We have 6 4500's on Ethernet, and would like to be able to startup numerous remote processes from one shell script, including popping shell/window's on a remote node that would behave as if they had recieved command line executables that write to that window ? Any ideas or pointers would be appreciated. * * Thanks much, * John * * Thanks much, * John
krowitz@RICHTER.MIT.EDU (David Krowitz) (07/12/90)
We are using a utility from the ADUS tapes called "batch" which allows us to run command lines or shell scripts in the background on any Apollo in our network, with the output which would normally go to the window being stored in a log file. This is a handy utility for spawning off long running jobs onto other people's node (in the evening of course, and running at low priority -:) !). We also wrote a little kludge of a program which opens a window and runs a DM command from it. We use it to CRP onto a node on which the DM has stopped listening to the keyboard and EX the display manager. Here's the code: program remex c c REMOTE_EX creates a pad on a stricken node and ex's it c % include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn' % include '/sys/ins/pad.ins.ftn' c integer*2 stream_id, window(2, 2) integer*4 status character*80 path data window / 100, 100, 100, 100/ c c create a window and pad c call pad_$create_window ('ex', int2(2), pad_$transcript, & int2(1), window, stream_id, status) call pad_$dm_cmd (stream_id, 'icon', int2(4), status) stop end -- David Krowitz krowitz@richter.mit.edu ( krowitz%richter.mit.edu@eddie.mit.edu krowitz%richter.mit.edu@mitvma.bitnet (in order of decreasing preference)