[comp.sys.apollo] help request for ML installation

grass@unipas.fmi.uni-passau.de (Grass) (07/18/90)

Has anybody successfully ported Edinburgh Standard ML to Apollo/BSD4.2 ?

Starting sml in its raw state from smlcore.exp.backup (step 3 in the README
instructions) crashes immediately with the message "Memory fault".
Invoking the program fam explicitly (by typing /fam.src/fam -h 2000 smlcore~
~.exp.backup smlcore.exp as in the installation command file) seems to work,
but any simple input (e.g. - 3+2;) crashes with "/fam.src/fam - access
violation in routine "RunState" line 547".

Please can anybody give us a hint what could be wrong.

grass@unipas.fmi.uni-passau.de       Lst.Prof.Grass
                                     Universitaet Passau
                                     Innstrasse 33
                                     D-8390 Passau