[comp.sys.apollo] Netpower Hp open letter draft 2

roger@GW1.AGS.BNL.GOV (Roger A. Katz) (07/19/90)

Just one small comment. In draft two you have:

>Distribution of patches by FTP should be much more efficient than copying and
>physically distributing patch tapes.

I would add 'more efficent and cheaper'. These are business men you know.

Otherwise the draft looks fine.  We, knock on wood, have not had all of the
problems related in the letter.  Some rough roads, but our support has been ok.

Oh yes, if you are looking for a snappy phrase to add to the draft on why use the
internet, maybe we could use a paraphrase of Arthur C. Clarke's line, 'Do not commute, communicate.'
Just an idea.

I look forward to the final draft.


Email: roger@gw1.ags.bnl.gov                Roger A. Katz
                                            AGS Software Controls Group
                                            Brookhaven National Laboratory
                                            Upton, N.Y. 11973-5000
                                            (516) 282-2732

pha@CAEN.ENGIN.UMICH.EDU (Paul H. Anderson) (07/19/90)

Sorry for posting this, but mail to Jim bounced:

	Jim, I have one additional suggestion for your HP letter.
	HP/Apollo equipment has always been the last to be supported by
	comp.sources types of programs.  Generally, fixing them so
	that they work is a small task for the right person, but finding
	that person and consistently making the results available so that
	it benefits the Apollo user community at large has always been
	Therefore, in request 2), I would add
	    d) Monitor comp.sources.unix, and comp.sources.misc for sources of
	       potential use to Apollo users, and either port the sources, or
	       find someone to port them, and then give feedback to the original
	       authors, as well as providing the patches on a well connected
	       This would help alleviate redundant efforts, such as porting gcc
	       to the Apollos.  It would also assist people like John Vasta
	       at Apollo, who would then have some internal people able to help
	       him distribute and announce his port of gcc and g++ to the Apollo.
	Paul Anderson
	Computer Aided Engineering Network
	University of Michigan
	Ann Arbor,  MI  48118