[comp.sys.apollo] bitmap_translators

kurt@RAYLEIGH.MIT.EDU (Kurt Feigl) (08/09/90)

bitmap translators:

The following appeared on the net several months ago:

    We have a few gpr to whatever conversion programs.
    Like gpr2ps, gpr2rle, gpr2gif, tiff2gpr (not very
    good), etc. They are about 500 lines each and work
    ok (there are rooms for improvement, I can tell you
    that). If you would like a copy, send me e-mail at

I got a compressed tar file from him via anon FTP and used
the GPR to PostScript program called gpr2ps.  It works,
but remember that PostScript is in general a slow way to do
raster graphics.

Good luck,

Kurt Feigl
MIT 54-610