(Aaron Sherman) (09/13/90)
This thread has gotten way out of hand, so let me just sum up my feelings, and then I'll drop it. 1. HP/Apollo seems to be taking the attitude that Domain/OS is no good beause it is "not standard". 2. Domain/OS is about 10 years out ahead of Unix. 3. The BSD and SysV environments are what need fixing on an Apollo, not the Domain/OS. 4. OSF would be much nicer as a Domain/OS environment (just like the BSD and SysV ones now, only implimented such that it works). Most of my problems have been where Apollo refused to put the effort in to make a product in the Unix-alike environments truely stable, whereas something that was a true Domain/OS(Aegis)ism would be beaten on until it was at least useable (take DDE vs dbx, ApolloC vs ansiC, lpr vs prf, etc.). However, I think that the solution is to leave Domain/OS where it is for a while and work on making the BSD/SysV environments better. Perhaps even adding an OSF environment. As I said before, if HP blows away Domain/OS we have no other reason not to just go out and replace our Apollos with Suns. Domain/OS could rock the Unix market if HP/Apollo really got off their collective buns and worked on the Unix-alikes. -AJS -- or Note that as of 7/18/90 that's "That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is."