iyer@umn-cs.cs.umn.edu (Narayanan S. Iyer) (02/28/90)
I have a DN 3000 for sale and here are the specifics. Apollo DN 3000 4MB Memory 72 MB Hard Disk 60 MB Tape Drive Ftn, C, Pascal Compiler OS SR10.2 Asking $2,000 or Best Offer Ryan: (612) 625-3593 -- work (612) 343-0257 -- home iyer@umn-cs.cs.umn.edu
root@SRC.Honeywell.COM (The Superuser) (08/13/90)
ONE LEFT for sale: DN3000 4mb memory, 68020/68881, 170mb esdi (1355) disk (147mb fmtd) 19" mono monitor/card, kb, mouse, ring interface one serial port, Passes all diags, running 10.2 Price: 2500.00 Terms: I will pay shipping (in USA 48 states) (UPS normal) 10% before shipping balance COD (cashiers check or cash) ** Further Info: The OS is 10.2 its mostly BSD4.3 compatible. It runs X11 and GNU emacs and uucp/slip. About the same size of IBM/PC/AT Ph# (612) 753-5601 (home) (612) 782-7589 (work) Location is Minnesota (mpls)
pha@CAEN.ENGIN.UMICH.EDU (Paul H. Anderson) (10/05/90)
My brother and I are liquidating our little company, and selling the following: DN3000, 4 megs RAM, 380 meg fast actuator hard disk, 4 plane color graphics, 60 meg cartridge tape, has SR10.2 on the disk. Comes with a complete set of manuals, as well as an SPE (extra serial and parallel) card. We will throw in a bunch of cartridge tapes (DC600A). It also has a complete install of SR10.2, along with the original tapes. The only optional product included is the C compiler. The node needs a fresh battery for the calendar and configuration info RAM. We will pay shipping and insurance within the continental US. I'd like to see $3500. Paul Anderson (313)-936-1355 pha@caen.engin.umich.edu