(David Krowitz) (10/17/90)
Sigh, I really feel stupid. I've retreived the X11 R4 sources and unpacked the files from tapes 1 through 4. Now I am trying to apply the patches in the "fixes" directory, and can't seem to get the "patch" program to automatically recognize the name of the file-to-be-patched (which is in the patch file itself). Can anyone who has already done this let me know what I need to type in order to apply the patches? I'm stumped. == Dave Krowitz P.S. Yes, I am using the version of "patch" supplied in the ./mit/util directory. (Frik) (10/17/90)
Sigh, I really feel stupid. I've retreived the X11 R4 sources and unpacked the files from tapes 1 through 4. Now I am trying to apply the patches in the "fixes" directory, and can't seem to get the "patch" program to automatically recognize the name of the file-to-be-patched (which is in the patch file itself). Can anyone who has already done this let me know what I need to type in order to apply the patches? I'm stumped. == Dave Krowitz P.S. Yes, I am using the version of "patch" supplied in the ./mit/util directory. Now, I do not know the version of patch you get in ./mit/util, but the general rule is: Use the -p# option to strip off the leading pathname components, where # is the number of components (counting the leading slash!) you can do without. e.g. if the patch says /hugo/haha/hihi/src/file.c but you have the file in //congo/hoho/src then go to //congo/hoho and do patch -p4 ... By the way, the Apollo patch in /usr/new does not seem to handle the -p option properly: I always get source from some server, and install myself, the programs are better and faster that way! Martin Anantharaman FB7, FG7 (Mechanik) Work: +49 (203) 379-3336 Universitaet -GH- Duisburg Home: +49 (203) 37 65 89 Lotharstr. 1 FAX: +49 (203) 379-3052 4100 Duisburg 1 E-Mail: West Germany
austin@meto.UMD.EDU (Austin L. Conaty) (10/17/90)
Speaking of gross ignorance, I can't seem to get my messages posted on the net. Can you help me out? Austin Conaty Dept. of Meteorology Univ. of Maryland (Charlie McGuire) (10/17/90)
Dave, I initially had trouble applying the patches. I used the patch program in /usr/new. I also had to cd to the mit directory, but (due to disk space) I had put the fixes tree on another machine. Even so, most of the patch paths assume mit/...... Be careful of fix-4. On the release I had, I had to go back into mit/config/ and put #define HasNdbm YES back in after the define XapolloServer. Hope this helps. Charlie McGuire Dept. of Computer Science The University of Iowa