graham.elliott@canremote.uucp (GRAHAM ELLIOTT) (10/29/90)
I have occasionally encountered some difficulty setting the ACL's of a directory after the creation of a new entry in the registry. After the creation of the new registry entry, a display of both master and slave entries (with edrgy -v) confirms its existence. Yet when I attempt to change ownership of a directory to this new registry entry, the following error results: "chacl: unable to change owner to ..., Entry not found (RGYC/Client)" After a period of time ranging from an hour to a day, and after repeated attempts at setting the acl's and reading the registry I can eventually get the chacl command to work. To elaborate, the following is a transcript from a root login in a BSD environment - I have added comments in an attempt to improve readability. Any comments, suggestions, hints....etc ? I am running OS 10.2 on various DN3xxx, DN4xxx. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ... An entry for John Doe is created in the registry. # /etc/edrgy -p -s //m5 edrgy=> add doe 55 "John Doe" edrgy=> quit # /etc/edrgy -a -s //m5 edrgy=> add doe.none.none doe edrgy=> quit ... A directory is created, and the acl's listed. # mkdir j_doe # lsacl j_doe root.%.% prwx- %.staff.% -r-x- %.%.none [Ignore] %.%.% -r-x- ... Attempts are made to change the acl's. ... chacl is unsuccessful with new person "doe", but ... is successful with established person "graham". # chacl -u doe j_doe chacl: unable to change owner to doe, Entry not found (RGYC/Client) # chacl -u graham j_doe # lsacl j_doe graham.%.% prwx- %.staff.% -r-x- %.%.none [Ignore] %.%.% -r-x- ... The entries for "doe" in the master and slave registries are ... displayed. # /etc/edrgy -s //m5 -p -v doe doe 55 # /etc/edrgy -s //m5 -a -v doe doe[.none.none]:NY8JH3n4wJLEw:55:12::/:: # /etc/edrgy -p -v doe ?(edrgy) Warning: the registry at site "dds://nomad" is read-only. doe 55 # /etc/edrgy -a -v doe ?(edrgy) Warning: the registry at site "dds://nomad" is read-only. doe[.none.none]:NY8JH3n4wJLEw:55:12::/:: ... Finally, one more attempt. # chacl -u doe j_doe chacl: unable to change owner to doe, Entry not found (RGYC/Client) # Graham. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Graham Elliott Institute for Aerospace Studies graham.elliott@canremote.UUCP University of Toronto, Canada --- #563