rand@HWCAE.CFSAT.HONEYWELL.COM (Douglas K. Rand) (11/27/90)
I've been using GNU Emacs with GPR support for a while now. And I really like it. (In fact, I don't think I could live with out it. I use it for reading news, sending/reading mail, writing code, and everything else that I have to do editing.) The extra keys that HP/Apollo put on the keyboard really work great with Emacs. Now, on to the question. How can I get these keys to work with GNU Emacs under X windows? I want to use the X support inside of Emacs instead of GPR stuff. But how do I get shift/control/meta to all work with the gray keys? I have found the x-rebind-key function that redefines a key to a new string sequence (eg. the up-arrow to \C-p). But we have all of the function keys set up to directly invoke a function. I don't like the idea of having Shift-F10 sending the string: M-x repeat-regexp-isearch-forward Too much to send for a key, and difficult to track. Has anybody set up a new key prefix for X? Leonard Zubkoff set up one for GPR? (M-* and M-+ for 18.54 and previous.) Has anybody changed the Meta key for Emacs to be something other than the Mod_1 modifier? I have one of the new keyboards (two alt keys) and would like to use different ones for Emacs and X. I realize that this is probably the wrong place for this posting, but I don't have access to comp.emacs or comp.windows.x, so I'm going to rely on all of you intelligent HP/Apollo users. -- Douglas Keenan Rand Honeywell -- Air Transport Systems Division Phone: +1 602 869 2814 US Snail: P.O. Box 21111 Phoenix AZ 85036 Internet: @cim-vax.honeywell.com:rand@hwcae.cfsat.honeywell.com UUCP: ...!uunet!hpfce!apciphx!hwcae!rand