[comp.sys.apollo] Amusement for the Day

krowitz@RICHTER.MIT.EDU (David Krowitz) (12/19/90)

You all may have already seen this before ... but it brightened
my day considerably ... *and* it added just a little bit to my
knowledge of Unix.

== Dave

	From bahai-net-request@bloom-beacon.MIT.EDU Mon Dec 10 15:25:01 1990
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	Subject: A bit of humor for you Unix hackers...
	Date: Mon, 10 Dec 90 14:49:27 EST
	Status: R
	Sorry for the quantity of header info.  Keep reading patiently; the
	clincher is at the end of the third paragraph.  :-)
						- Jenifer Tidwell
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	From: Theodore Ts'o <tytso@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>
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	Subject: [Mark Rosenstein: [stever@ai.mit.edu: [ian@ai.mit.edu: Computational Cosmology, and the Theology of Unix]]]
	Reply-To: tytso@ATHENA.MIT.EDU
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	Date: Mon, 10 Dec 90 12:02:21 -0500
	From: Mark Rosenstein <mar@MIT.EDU>
	Sender: mar@MIT.EDU
	To: watchmakers@MIT.EDU
	Subject: [stever@ai.mit.edu: [ian@ai.mit.edu: Computational Cosmology, and the Theology of Unix]]
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	From: "Ian D. Horswill" <ian@ai.mit.edu>
	Date: Fri, 7 Dec 90 12:48:50 EST
	To: phila@cogs.sussex.ac.uk
	Cc: unix-haters@mc.lcs.mit.edu, ian@ai.mit.edu
	In-Reply-To: Phil Agre's message of Fri, 7 Dec 90 15:36:43 GMT <16104.9012071536@rsunp.cogs.susx.ac.uk>
	Subject: Computational Cosmology, and the Theology of Unix
	For what it's worth, that doesn't sound like a binmail bug.  It sounds
	like you people are not running binmail on the file server and also
	have not enabled network root access.
	It works like this.  Sun has this spiffy network file system.
	Unfortunately, it doesn't have any real theory of access control.
	This is partly because unix doesn't have one either.  It has two
	levels: mortal and God.  God (i.e. root) can do anything.  The problem
	is that networks make things polytheistic: Should my workstation's God
	be able to turn your workstation into a pillar of salt?  Well gee,
	that depends on whether my God and your God are on good terms or maybe
	are really just the SAME God.  This is a deep and important
	theological question which has puzzled humankind for millenia.
	The Sun kernel has a user-patchable cosmology.  It contains a
	polytheism bit called "nobody".  When network file requests come in
	from root (i.e. God), it maps them to be requests from the value of
	the kernel variable "nobody" which as distributed is set to -1 which
	by convention corresponds to no user whatsoever, rather than to 0, the
	binary representation of God (*).  The default corresponds to a
	basically Greek pantheon in which there are many Gods and they're all
	trying to screw each other (both literally and figuratively in the
	Greek case).  However, by using adb(1) to set the kernel variable
	"nobody" to 0 in the divine boot image, you can move to a Ba'hai
	cosmology in which all Gods are really manifestations of the One Root
	God, Zero, thus inventing monotheism.
	Thus when the manifestation of the divine spirit, binmail, attempts to
	create a mailbox on a remote server on a monotheistic unix, it will be
	able to invoke the divine change-owner command so as to make it
	profane enough for you to touch it without spontaneously combusting
	and having your eternal soul damned to hell.  On a polytheistic unix,
	the divine binmail isn't divine so your mail file gets created by
	"nobody" and when binmail invokes the divine change-owner command, it
	is returned an error code which it forgets to check, knowing that it
	is in fact, infallible.
	So, patch the kernel on the file server or run sendmail on the server.
	- -ian
	(*) That God has a binary representation is just another clear
	indication that Unix is extremely cabilistic and was probably written
	by disciples of Alestair Crowley.
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