[comp.sys.apollo] 1.3 GB digital tape

stevej@hpcpbla.HP.COM (Steve Jerman) (01/14/91)

Domain support for the DAT drive on Domain 400 systems is going through
the final stages of testing at present. It is planned to introduce
this support with 68040 support. 

There are no plans at present to officially support DAT drives on the
older Domain systems, because of the amount of testing required.
However if you plug one in to any non-400 Domain machine now (the 400's
use a different SCSI i/f chip) it should work even if HP do not
offically support it.

Steve Jerman
Hewlett Packard
Computer Peripherals Bristol

Address:	     Email:
  Filton Road		stevej@hpcpbla.bri.hp.com
  Stoke Gifford
  BS12 6QZ

Phone:                   Fax:
(44) 272 799910 x22424   (44) 272 236091

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