[comp.sys.apollo] HELP:disk problem!!!!

sticozz@cernvax.cern.ch (flavio sticozzi) (01/28/91)

This is a help request...

I got a problem with a disk mounted on a Apollo 10000 (running 10.3)
The disk is the boot one and looks fine if someone try to work on it
with salvol or fixvol.

But once oyu try to mount it, the operating system can't work on it like:

aegis:root> mtvol w0:0 /x
aegis:root> ld /

Directory "/":

10k3mc               10k3mc2              10k3mc3              anal
b                    backup_log           beta                 bin
bsd4.2               bsd4.3               cern                 cerncom
cernref              com                  dev                  etc
sys5                 x                    ....

aegis:root> wd x
aegis:root> ld
?(ld)  Unable to read directory "." - bad directory (OS/naming server)
aegis:root> sald /x
  Directory "/x" is too corrupt for even SALD to repair.
  To delete this directory, specify the '-d' option to SALD.

?(sald) "/x" - bad directory (OS/naming server)
aegis:root> chn . old.
?(chn)   Unable to change name of "." to "old." - invalid leaf (OS/naming server)
aegis:root> wd ..
aegis:root> cpt x xx
?(cpt) "x" - bad directory (OS/naming server)

or if you try salvol (with "-s" option), you get:

    Salvaging...  % complete
Warning: The vtoce for "/sysboot" was marked not-in-use. (vtocx =   14AFE0)
A directory block version number (for vtocx = 14AFE4) is incorrect,
     should be: 5 , is: 1
  Some reference counts may be incorrect, and some objects may
  be orphaned
A directory block version number (for vtocx = 14AFF0) is incorrect,
     should be: 5 , is: 0
  Some reference counts may be incorrect, and some objects may
  be orphaned.
Warning: The vtoce for the paging file is marked not-in-use. (vtocx =   14AFF2)

    Verifying reference counts...

<---   Salvage complete on logical volume: 1 --->


zone number     Kb free    previous Kb free     (total capacity 683740)
   0:             2848          2848
   1:               12            12
   2:                0             0
   3:               68            68
   4:               40            40
   5:              792           792
  61:                0             0
  62:                0             0
total            45392         45392

2537 objects were found using a total of 633492 Kb, average length 248 Kb
192 directories; 1231 links; 21 catalogued objects not found
101 uncatalogued objects found, run find_orphans to create: /lost+found.list
Boot file (sysboot) expected, and not found

File index blocks: 243 level 1 filemaps; 25 level 2 fm's; 0 level 3 fm's

471 vtoc blocks, 37 empty, 0 chained vtoc buckets <mean chain length>
7536 vtoc buckets, 2024 were used, 0 were full, 5512 were empty, 0 were cleared
624 vtoce blocks were used (0% of volume), 162 were partially filled
0 reserved blocks were found in permanent objects
0 reference counts were adjusted, 0 acl objects deleted
no temporary files were deleted
   Partially filled vtoc list for zone:   0. contains    4 blocks
   Partially filled vtoc list for zone:   4. contains    1 blocks
   Partially filled vtoc list for zone:   7. contains    1 blocks
   Partially filled vtoc list for zone:  10. contains    1 blocks
   Partially filled vtoc list for zone:  57. contains    3 blocks
   Partially filled vtoc list for zone:  58. contains    1 blocks
   Partially filled vtoc list for zone:  62. contains    1 blocks

77 null data block(s)

1688 reads, 110 writes, 2 vtoc blocks written.
440 disk_buffer_hits; writes_entries called: 0 times
209 vtoces were deferred for processing; do_deferred_vtoces called 3 times
process_overflow_blks called 1 times
1 pass over the vtoc
Total run took 23 seconds, of which 0 seconds were spent sorting

Salvage complete.

If someone know how fix this problem, please, help me.

Thank you in advance, Flavio Sticozzi
