[comp.sys.apollo] security and display_manager

bonnetf@apo.esiee.fr (bonnet-franck) (02/07/91)

OUCH ! look at this :

$ lusr -allp -n f2dd
    root.i1.none.F2DD.login         display_manager
    root.wheel.none.F2DD            init
    blondp.i1.none.F2DD             pad05
    blondp.i1.none.F2DD             pad04
    blondp.i1.none.F2DD             uid = 4FA68447.4000F2DD (desk)
    blondp.i1.none.F2DD             uid = 4FA68446.2000F2DD (clock)
    blondp.i1.none.F2DD             alarm_server
    blondp.i1.none.F2DD             pad01
    user.server.none.F2DD           mbx_helper
    root.server.none.F2DD           netman
    user.server.none.F2DD           server_process_manager
    root.wheel.none.F2DD            tcpd

What does it mean ? what a (bad) surprise , This user is root !!!

This is another security problem with the display_manager ...

This happened on a 10.1 machine  (DN 3000 diskless if it could help)
and it happen sometimes on this kind of machine.

Is it a workaroud , if yes , what is it ?

I precise that I cannot upgrade these machine to 10.3 because we
are running MENTOR GRAPHICS and we must stay on 10.1 ...

HELP !!!

bonnetf@apo.esiee.fr                     |                                     |
Frank Bonnet                             | Surfing ...                         |
E.S.I.E.E                                |                                     |
BP99 93162 Noisy le Grand cedex.FRANCE.  | the rest is details !               |
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