[comp.sys.apollo] netman boot control solution

bonnetf@apo.esiee.fr (bonnet-franck) (02/15/91)


Thanks to all that respond for my netman boot control problem.
I've found the solution after posting my request ( sorry ! )
It  follows , it has been tested and works fine.

--------------  beginning of /sys/net/netman.bin_sh  --------------------------

#!/bin/sh -x
set -e
#  NETMAN.RC - shell script run by netman to setup `node_data for a diskless node
#  $1 = NODE_ID
#  $2 = TYPE
#  Set a PATH.  We need this later to resolve chown
export PATH
# to verify if the node is allowed to boot on this partner 
if grep -i $1 /sys/net/diskless_list ; then \
	echo Booting $1
	echo Not allowed to boot diskless $1 ;\
	exit 1
--------------  the rest is the std file --------------------------------------


bonnetf@apo.esiee.fr                     |                                     |
Frank Bonnet                             | Surfing ...                         |
E.S.I.E.E                                |                                     |
BP99 93162 Noisy le Grand cedex.FRANCE.  | the rest is details !               |
Fax   : 33 1 45 92 66 99                 |                                     |