ylfink@water.waterloo.edu (ylfink) (04/04/88)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES RECRUITING/PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SEMINAR - Friday, April 8, 1988 Dr. Stanley T. Shebs, of the University of Utah, will speak on ``Automating the Wizard: Runtime Data Structures For High-Level Languages''. TIME: 11:30 AM ROOM: MC 5158 ABSTRACT Implementors of Lisp, Prolog, Smalltalk, and similar languages have long faced a series of puzzling questions about the runtime representation of data objects (such as lists, symbols, and sets). How should the type of an object be recorded? What is the best memory layout for complex objects? Will multiple representations offer any space or speed advantages? How should storage be allocated and reclaimed? To date, there has been little or no help for the perplexed designer; the available literature has only the sketchiest information about runtime data representation, and even less about the relative tradeoffs of different design decisions. As a start towards remedying this situation, we will look closely at the data structures in a number of languages. From this past experience, we can derive a number of rules and guidelines for implementors designing new language systems. These rules are also being encoded in an automated designer; its output is a set of definitions for the compiler and runtime components of Utah Common Lisp, a new and flexible implementation presently under construction.