[comp.sys.apollo] Emacs 18.57

gah@CML.UNL.EDU (Glen A. Hansen) (03/01/91)

      I have just built Emacs 18.57 on an Apollo DN4000 running SR10.3. I works
great, with one exception:

      I am running Xapollo -K /usr/X11/lib/keyboard/keyboard.config, with DM
      owns everything. I wish to run Emacs using it's interface to X. My version
      of 18.55 would pop an Emacs X window when I invoked it from the DM pad. 
      However, 18.57 automatically puts the pad in vt100 mode, and does not
      pop up an X window, regardless if I specify -display or not. I believe
      I am using this switch properly:
     -d displayname, -display displayname
             Create the Emacs window on the display specified by
             displayname.  Must be the first option specified in
             the command line.

     If I invoke Emacs from an xterm, like this exerp from my .login: 

xterm -ut -geometry 0x0-0-0 -name emacs -e emacs -w 90x50 -font 9x15 &

     Emacs starts it's X window, and works fine.

     Any suggestions here? 

     Thanks in advance,


     P.S. Running exclusively X is not an option. I have many users that would
          object to this.

     P.P.S. Anyone know how to make the Emacs X window auto-iconify from .login?
            I currently have to manually iconify it after I login.