[comp.sys.apollo] some routines problems

bonnetf@apo.esiee.fr (bonnet-franck) (03/07/91)


1 - I would like to know if it is possible to get the include files from the 
    routines named asknode_$XXX ?

    Does somebody has them ?

    Does APOLLO/HP could give them freely ?
    (I hope yes it seems not very secret !)

    If yes it will be helpfull for us .

2 - I have a problem calling the routine named "ios_dir_$readdir" in a
    FORTRAN program.

    I have taken TEXTUALLY the example in the domain/OS call reference book
    ( maxbuf=1000 ) and running the program I've got the following error
    message :
    $ bad buffer size (OS/naming server)

    What does it mean ? Is it impossible to call it from a FORTRAN program 
    or what ? 

    What is the good size for "maxbuf" ( I've tried a lot of values ... )

    Maybe another routine must be called before to get "maxbuf" if yes 
    which one ? Sorry for a so trivial question but the reference guide is
    not very clear !

bonnetf@apo.esiee.fr                     |                                     |
Frank Bonnet                             | Surfing ...                         |
E.S.I.E.E                                |                                     |
BP99 93162 Noisy le Grand cedex.FRANCE.  | the rest is details !               |
Fax   : 33 1 45 92 66 99                 |                                     |