[comp.sys.apollo] Apollo Domain Technical Specifications

mchan@mot.com (Martina Chan) (02/27/91)

Does anyone know how I can obtain the technical specifications on Apollo Domain 
routing ? Thanks!

 Martina Chan
Tel. # 708-576-1957 email: mchan@mot.com

beierl_c@apollo.HP.COM (Christopher Beierl) (03/13/91)

In article <1991Feb27.150414.15600@mothost.mot.com> mchan@mot.com (Martina Chan) writes:
>Does anyone know how I can obtain the technical specifications on Apollo Domain 
>routing ? Thanks!

The closest I can come is "Managing Domain/OS and Domain Routing in an Internet",
(005694-A00), but that probably doesn't have all the details you are looking for.

 Christopher T. Beierl  Internet: beierl_c@apollo.HP.COM;beierl_c@apollo.com
 Apollo Computer, Inc.      UUCP: {mit-eddie,yale,uw-beaver}!apollo!beierl_c
 A Subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard                       Phone: (508) 256-6600