[comp.sys.apollo] Problem with re-invol'ing a disk

rn@ap.co.umist.ac.uk (bob nutter) (03/13/91)

[I'm posting this for a colleague who doesn't have net access, so please reply
to him direct if at all possible...]

Has  anybody used the /systest/ssr_util/fixvol command to repair an incorrect
logical volume label?

We wanted to re-invol the first 40Mbyte partition  of a two partition 348Mbyte
winchester.  e.g.

Was        1   40218  apollo      /
           2  289439  users       /u

However option 1 of invol was hit by mistake, but realizing this the program
was quit using cntrl. Q

We now have the above disk labeled:

           1 329657  vacancy

Any ideas on recovery from this. The suggestions from HP have not worked. viz.
using the alternative volume label. There appears to be an edit function to
fixvol, but it looks very unfriendly.

Paul Hartland   prh@uk.ac.umist.ee.ap1 
Dept. E.E and E.
Manchester M60 1QD

Tel 061 200 4721


bob nutter, computer officer    | "If there's no class divide, then how come
UMIST dept of computation       |  you're stood here waiting for a bus when
po box 88 manchester m60 1qd uk |  somebody drives past in a car worth the
tel:+44 61 200 3386             |  price of a house?"
email:b.nutter@umist.ac.uk      |       -Class War grafitti