[comp.sys.apollo] 8mm tape drive for Apollos

andrason@MAESTRO.MITRE.ORG (Jackie Andrason) (03/15/91)

We would like to purchase an external 8mm tape drive to back up files and directories on our Apollos.  In talking with Apollo, I have been told that you can use the 8mm drive with Omniback ONLY.  You can not use tar or wbak.  Does anyone know any vendors who sell 8mm tape drives that we can use tar or wbak with?  Thank you very much.

Jackie Andrason
The MITRE Corporation
McLean, VA
e-mail  andrason@mitre.org

krowitz@RICHTER.MIT.EDU (David Krowitz) (03/16/91)

Apollo is mis-informed. Again.
What they really want to do is to sell you a copy of Omniback in addition
to your Exabyte drive. Here's the real scoop.

Apollo's earlier tape utilities, including "wbak", "rbak", and "rwmt" access
the tape drive directly via calls to either the magtape driver or the
cartridge tape driver, depending on whether you use "-dev mt" (the default)
or "-dev ct". These calls are made via the unreleased "tfp_$" calls, which
then branch out to either the unreleased "mt_$" or the "ct_$" calls. All of
these library routines are in /lib/tfp. When Apollo introduced their 8mm
Exabyte drive, they wrote a new tape library to support the drive; and they
did *not* add support for the drive to the existing "tfp:_$" library. Thus,
the older Apollo programs can not access Apollo's 8mm drive. Only programs
which use the new tape library can access the drive, and Omniback is the
only Apollo utility that I'm aware of which does use the new library.

The standard Unix utilities, such as "tar", "dd", "mt" and the like, all
access the tape drive via a Unix device file (eg. /dev/rmt0). As of SR10.x,
Apollo has supplied device files for SCSI tape drives attached to either
the native SCSI port of the DN2500 or the SCSI port of the multi-function
WD7000 disk controller used on most DN3500 and DN4500 machines. These device
files are /dev/rmts8 and /dev/rmts12 (rewind and no-rewind) for SCSI tape
device 0, and /dev/rmts9 and /dev/rmts13 (rewind and no-rewind) for SCSI tape
device 1 [note: hardware hackers, feel free to correct me! this explanation is
getting long enough to publish as an article -- I'd *hate* to get this wrong
in print!!]. These device files invoke the *new* Apollo tape library, and
therefore can access the 8mm Exabyte drive in addition to SCSI cartridge
tapes and SCSI 9-track tapes. The device files /dev/rmt8 and /dev/rmt12, on
the other hand, access the old tape library for 9-track drives; and
/dev/rct8 and /dev/rct12 access the old tape library for non-SCSI cartridge
tape drives.

Now, there *is* a way to use "wbak" and "rbak" with the 8mm Exabyte drive:
you use the "wbak -to" and "rbak -from" options to redirect I/O to a file
instead of old tape library, and you use either /dev/rmts8 or /dev/rmts12
as the file name. There is a minor drawback to this: the ANSI labeled tape
options such as "-fid" (file ID), "-vid" (volume ID), and "-f NN" (write to
the NNth file on the tape) won't work -- you can only write an unlabled file
to the current position on the tape.

So much for 
HP/Apollo ... There *is* at least one 3rd party vendor that provides a
cleaner solution. Workstation Solutions sells the Exabyte drive packaged
with a version of the *old* Apollo tape library that supports the 8mm
drive, and a utility program that automatically loads this library prior
to running "wbak", "rbak", "rwmt", and any other program you like. The
library replaces the regular Apollo 9-track tape library and makes the
Exabyte drive look like the 9-track tape. Thus any program which uses
the "mts_$" and "ios_$" calls to access a 9-track tape will work ... and
any program which uses the /dev/rmt8 or /dev/rmt12 device files (which
in turn, access the old Apollo tape library) will also work.

Either way, your Apollo sales person is mis-informed. Exabyte drives
*can* be used on the Apollos under SR10 with DN2500/3500/4500 machines
via the SCSI tape device files; or under either SR9.7 or SR10 via
either the magtape library calls or the old, non-SCSI, device files
with Workstation Solutions' package on DN2500/3500/4500 with SCSI ports,
or on DN3000/4000 machines with an AT-BUS SCSI adaptor card.

 -- David Krowitz

krowitz@richter.mit.edu   (
(in order of decreasing preference)

bruce@dannet.UUCP (Bruce Hill) (03/16/91)

In article <9103141743.AA14605@maestro.mitre.org>, andrason@MAESTRO.MITRE.ORG (Jackie Andrason) writes:
> We would like to purchase an external 8mm tape drive to back up files and 
> directories on our Apollos.  In talking with Apollo, I have been told that
> you can use the 8mm drive with Omniback ONLY.  You can not use tar or wbak.
> Does anyone know any vendors who sell 8mm tape drives that we can use tar
> or wbak with?  Thank you very much.
> Jackie Andrason

Danford sells an Exabyte 8mm drive, SCSI card, and device driver that
allows wbak/rbak and tar usage.  Contact Danford at (213) 514-9334 for
more info.

Bruce Hill
Product Manager,
Danford Corp.
350 W. 5th St.
San Pedro, CA 90731
Email: uunet!dannet!bruce

hanche@imf.unit.no (Harald Hanche-Olsen) (03/16/91)

In article <9103151600.AA05184@richter.mit.edu> krowitz@RICHTER.MIT.EDU (David Krowitz) writes:

   The standard Unix utilities, such as "tar", "dd", "mt" and the like, all
   access the tape drive via a Unix device file (eg. /dev/rmt0). As of SR10.x,
   Apollo has supplied device files for SCSI tape drives attached to either
   the native SCSI port of the DN2500 or the SCSI port of the multi-function
   WD7000 disk controller used on most DN3500 and DN4500 machines. These device
   files are /dev/rmts8 and /dev/rmts12 (rewind and no-rewind) for SCSI tape
   device 0, [...] These device files invoke the *new* Apollo tape library, and
   therefore can access the 8mm Exabyte drive in addition to SCSI cartridge
   tapes and SCSI 9-track tapes.

Except, for some strange reason, Apollo's mt will not work with the
Exabyte.  So with the Omniback software, you get a program named
new_mt to use as a replacement.  (Maybe there is a patch out for
Apollo's mt that fixes this problem?)

- Harald Hanche-Olsen <hanche@imf.unit.no>
  Division of Mathematical Sciences
  The Norwegian Institute of Technology
  N-7034 Trondheim, NORWAY

schmid@obelix.luftfahrt.uni-stuttgart.de (Georg Schmid) (03/19/91)

I really don't know why HP keeps telling that you can't use rbak/
wbak with their 8mm tape drive. We have been using it at SR10.2.p
and still at SR10.3.p. As far as we are concerned all options of
rbak/wbak seem to work. You just have to specify '-dev m'. Guess
they just don't want to support rbak/wbak officially any further.


Georg Schmid                 ISD University of Stuttgart, Germany

email:  schmid@jellosub.luftfahrt.uni-stuttgart.de (       
(Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they AREN'T after you)