[comp.sys.apollo] X11R4 with shared libraries

mengel@uniol.UUCP (A. Mengel) (06/13/90)

I have compiled X11 revision 4 on an Apollo-Domain running SR10.1.
Now I want to compile it again, this time using shared libraries.
Has anyone already tried to do this ?
Please let me know how how you did it (e.g. I would like to get a copy of
the apollo.cf and site.def files you used).

Thanx in advance

trammell@engin.umich.edu (James Trammell) (03/23/91)

I am in the process of installing X11R4 on the apollos here.
I would like to build X using shared libraries.  I have an apollo.cf
file that appears to be updated for 10.3

Here is a portion of what I get when I do a make World on the apollo:
(all is fine until it does the make depend)

cc -O -U__STDC__ -D_PROTOTYPES -A cpu,3000 -W0,-inlib,//nfs/source/um/X11R4/lib/x11r4lib -A inlib,//nfs/source/um/X11R4/lib/x11r4lib -I//nfs/source/um/X11R4/include -I../../. -I../.././config     '-DINCLUDEDIR="/usr/include"' -DSIGNALRETURNSINT  -c include.c
******** [Warning #246]
         "cannot open referenced inlib file for reading (file //nfs/source/um/X11R4/lib/x11r4lib)".

soon after make World crashes out.

Does it need the libraries present before it can make X? 

in the apollo.cf file there's these lines:

#define InlibLibName //nfs/source/um/X11R4/lib/x11r4lib  
the above was originally #define InlibLibName /usr/local/lib/x11r4lib

#define StandardIncludes -I//nfs/source/um/X11R4/include
the above was originally #define StandardIncludes -I/usr/include

Has anyone else had problems making X with shared libs on apollos?  

Thank you,

 ____    ____	____________________________________________________________
|    \  /    |  James Trammell			      University of Michigan
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