[comp.sys.apollo] DOMAIN/OS Feature Preservation

conliffe@caen.engin.umich.edu (Darryl C. Conliffe) (04/03/91)

To the attention of HP Apollo -

    Please      consider      dedicating      effort      to   really
    understanding and preserving  the  outstanding   user   interface
    that    the    Display   Manager provides  power   users   of the
    Apollo platforms.  The editor is  easy  to  use  and  intuitively
    The   capability   of   opening   multiple   pads   on  a  single
    file  with     the      "carbon      copy"      (cc)      command
    allows     for   simulataneous     viewing,     copy/cut      and
    pasting,     and information  reference   of   a    single   file
    that  makes  working  with    the    system   during     software
    design,       system  administration,     or     while  executing
    applications a very easy machine to use. 
    The   global  screenwide  cut  and  paste   features   are   used
    several times   during   each  session,  and   the   programmable
    keyboard  supports  commands  that  integrate  the copy and paste
    capabilities  to   truly  enhance   the   productivity   of   the
    workstation.   I  am  sure  a power user or two can demonstrate a
    keyboard   setup   that   was   customized    to    employ    the
    features  in  ways  that  should  be desireable to most users. 
    The    features    of   the   DM   have  been  major  factors  in
    the selection   of   Apollo   equipment   for    both   CAD   and
    CASE   applications    I    have   had     in    two    different
    companies.   The learning  curve  for  the  DM  is  much  less  a
    problem  than   other  commonly   available   editors,  and   the
    ease  of  including  edit pads  in  application  windows  make  a
    very  productive  application   interface  possible  with  little
    The   pad  calls,  DM  editing   features,    and    DM    window
    management  can   be   assets   which,   if  properly  understood
    and   marketed,  would   be  great   enhancements   for    future
    customers   and   natural  bridge links for existing customer and
    application writers. 
    Others    experienced    in    really     using      workstations
    may   not   appreciate    the   DM  until  it  is  displayed  and
    presented.   The  same   blind   spot   may   exist   in  current
    product     managers    and   planners      with      workstation
    marketing     responsibilities.   Therefore,   it    may    prove
    extremely   profitable   to  have  such persons  become  familiar
    with the Apollo advantages. 
    Getting  beyond  the   NIH  syndrome   is   indeed   challenging,
    but the benefits will pay off for both users and stockholders. 
    Your active response would be greatly appreciated. 

Darryl C. Conliffe
(313) 721-6069

 Darryl C. Conliffe  conliffe@caen.engin.umich.edu  (313) 721-6069