(bonnet-franck) (04/18/91)
Hi, I've found a security problem with the /com/sigp command . I've installed our OS with AEGIS and BSD with the "closed" option and there is a problem with that command on diskless nodes ( 10.1/2/3 ). At the install this command has a ROOT. The file `node_data/node_owners seems not to work properly. When a user is logged on a diskless he is authorized to kill every processes even those owned by ROOT !!! I precise that the /bin/kill command works fine and kill ONLY the user's processes. For the moment I've suppressed the ROOT setuid . But ONCE AGAIN, why this OS is not secure installed when you ask for "closed" acls ??????? A lot of dangerous commands are usables by any user. We have 1500 users here and about 20% are absolute beginners during 2 or 3 months ( we are a engineer school ) and we have no time to look at every command to see if yes or no it is dangerous !!! We have some DEC machines running under VMS and there is not such troubles on these machines ! Any answers/suggestions ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | Frank Bonnet | Surfing ... | E.S.I.E.E | | BP99 93162 Noisy le Grand cedex.FRANCE. | the rest is details ! | Fax : 33 1 45 92 66 99 | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------|