[comp.sys.apollo] Motif and X11.4 shared libraries

gjalt@ele.tue.nl (Gjalt de Jong) (05/21/91)

I wanted to install the new Motif libs from their source.
First I had to compile the X11.4 libraries.
I decided to try to use shared libs for X, Xext and Xt.
Then I could decide to use either the Xaw inlib or the Motif inlib.
[There are numerous name-clashes between Xaw and Motif.]
But ...

In the Xt lib are some globals defined in Vendor.c .
In the Motif Xm lib is also a Vendor.c, that defines the same globals.
When we inlib the Xt lib, some functions in this lib use the globals from
Vendor.c . But when we afterwards compile a Motif application, the references
are solved in the Xm Vendor.c .
This gives a segmentation fault when we try to run the application.

So we can imagine three solutions.
1) Make a shared library with Xt and Xm in one, and compile all standard
   X clients with Xaw and Xt (large standard X clients).
2) Make shared libraries of Xt and Xaw, and compile all Motif clients with
   Xm and Xt ( very large Motif clients).
3) Pull Vendor.c out Xt and put it in Xaw. Then Xt is a shared library with
   unresolved globals. Is that possible ?

We use mostly standard X clients, but mwm and our own applications (a few)
are based on Motif.

Can somebody give us advise what to do.

Please mail responses to pim@ele.tue.nl . I will summarize the results
if necessary on the net.


Pim Buurman,
Eindhoven University of Technology, Dept. of Electr. Eng. (ES/EH 7.34)
P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Email: pim@es.ele.tue.nl
Gjalt G. de Jong,                 | Phone: +(31)40-473345
Eindhoven University of Technology, Dept. of Electr. Eng. (ES/EH 7.26)
P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Email: gjalt@es.ele.tue.nl