[comp.sys.apollo] USENET Letter 2 -- some comments

thompson@PAN.SSEC.HONEYWELL.COM (John Thompson) (06/04/91)

Well -- it's out.  Finally.  Whew.

First off, thank you to all who helped out in the writing and editing of the
letter.  Thanks also to those of you who sent in signatures supporting these
issues.  Finally, thanks to everyone who lent moral support to the letter.

I wanted to add some comments to the letter, but since they are my opinions,
I didn't feel it correct to put other people's signatures on them.  Therefore,
I'm adding them in here.
o   Some people felt that I/we were attacking HP engineers.  In my opinion,
    we were most definitely not (and I told them this).  I'd like to think 
    that we weren't "attacking" at all, but I realize that this is definitely
    an offensive action.  I would hope that this letter does not result in
    HP/Apollo-bashing, but instead results in additional dialogue, and some
    changes by HP/Apollo management and marketing to recognize the needs of
    the "Apollo" customers.  They'd like us to all be one happy family, but
    they can't yet treat us as one.  The merger has been (mostly?) completed
    in the financial and organizational senses, but the customers still think
    of themselves as owning Apollo systems (at least I do).
o   This letter was a lot more work than I had imagined.  Especially as it
    got later and later in the signature process, things got more and more
    hectic.  Part of this was due to the normal crises that occur whenever 
    things get busy, and part of it was due to my spending time with my 
    fiancee (did you hear - I'm engaged ;-)  A lot of it, though, was the fact
    that this was just plain a lot of work.  (No, I'm not looking for "thanks",
    even if it sounds that way.   HP's response will be thanks enough.)
    The long and short of it is that the letter went out on 6/3, when I had
    hoped to get it out on 5/28.  Obviously, HP will not have a formal response
    by June first, as they promised in _Unix_Today_ -- somehow, I don't think
    we should object.
o   There were 61 signatures to the letter, which was fewer than I had hoped
    for.  Perhaps this is an indication that people didn't agree (I doubt it);
    perhaps it is an indication that we've become apathetic;  perhaps people
    considered the letter to be a "DN10000 issue" only.  (Perhaps I mis-
    remembered -- I just talked w/ Paul Krill, and he said that there were
    76 sigs on the first letter (I had thought there were > 100.))
o   If you _didn't_ sign the letter (for lack of time or whatever) but you
    _do_ agree with it, please feel free to print it out and send it to
    your local reps with a cover letter stating your support.  If you _did_
    sign the letter, you still might want to let your local reps know how
    you feel about it.

Thanks again to everyone who had a hand in this thing.  Let's hope the reply
from HP was worth the effort.

-- jt --
John Thompson
Honeywell, SSEC
Plymouth, MN  55441

When in danger, when in doubt --
run in circles, scream and shout.