[comp.sys.apollo] There IS a God! Or "Those 760-MB can be declassified!"

ESTHER@mar.ed.ray.com ("Esther PARIS: x2022, x1398, x2451, or x2607") (06/08/91)

To all you great Internet folks, 

Thanks for all your help and advice and support and well wishes on my disk
declassification task.  We demonstrated a run of the utilities on an
unclassified spare disk today, and DIS was satisfied and gave approval for the
procedure to be used for classified disks.

Especially my indebtedness and thanks to Jim Rees and John Griffith who went
above and beyond the call of duty to give me advice and support; your help is
sincerely appreciated! 

And of course, a special note of thanks to Dave Brierley and Ralph Shaw whose
contribution to the effort was crucial!  Thank you!

Esther Paris