[comp.sys.apollo] Motif for DN4500

fax0236@uoft02.utoledo.edu (06/14/91)

Is there a public domain or anonymous ftp site from which to get
Motif for my Apollo DN4500?  Do I need to upgrade from X11R3 to X11R4?

Doug Smith
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
The University of Toledo
Toledo, OH  43606-3390

voice   419-537-2116
fax     419-537-4033
email   FAX0236@UOFT02.UTOLEDO.EDU

tomg@hpcvlx.cv.hp.com. (Thomas J. Gilg) (06/18/91)

FYI, a clip from the pskq3_91 release notes.   I'm investigating what we
might be able to release via anonymous ftp.   It depends on product plans
and my own after-hours bandwidth.

Thomas Gilg


     1.9  User Interface Technologies on Domain/OS

     PSK Q3-91 provides support for user interface technologies on HP
     Apollo 9000 Series 400 workstations and the Domain Series 5500 works-
     tations running SR10.3 (only SAU types 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 14).

     This software does not provide support for the Desktop Visualization
     System (DVS) with Xdomain.

     The user interface technology support consists of:

        o Window Manager (mwm)

        o Borrow mode server (Xdomain)

        o Key Mappings

        o Scalable typefaces

        o Font Administration

        o Shared X11 R4 libraries

        o Shared Motif 1.1 libraries

     Since PSK Q2-91 we have added support for X11R4/Motif1.1 shared
     libraries, server/driver support for the Model 425e workstation,
     server/driver support for the Model 425s/t GRX and CRX color displays,
     keysyms to match the Apollo keyboard with Motif virtual keys, a shared
     mwm window manager, and more fonts.

     With PSK Q3-91 installed, the X User Interface Environment on
     Domain/OS will have the following product structure:

     Retained from the SR10.3 base software release:

        o R2/R3 build environment including header files, archived
          libraries, and shared libraries

        o R3 X clients

        o R2/R3 share mode Xapollo server

     Updated by PSK Q3-91:

        o Motif 1.1 Window Manager (mwm)

        o R4 Borrow mode server

        o Key mappings

        o Scalable typefaces

        o Font Administration

        o Additional server fonts

        o Shared R4 libraries

        o Shared Motif 1.1 libraries

     Currently available as a layered product is the "User Environment
     Development Kit Version 1.1", Order No 019386-A00.  If ordered and
     installed in association with PSK Q3-91, it will provide:

        o X11 Release 4 archived libraries (Xlib, Xt Intrinsics, and asso-
          ciated include files)

        o OSF/Motif 1.1 archived libraries (Xm, Xrm, UIL, and associated
          include files)

        o Man pages

     NOTE:  As of May 2, 1991, the X/Motif development environment will be
            shipped as a layered product. It will no longer be included as
            part of the standard base software releases as it last was in

     To be provided in future releases:

        o Borrow mode server/driver support for the DN4500/DN5500 Desktop
          Visualization System (DVS) with Xdomain.

        o R4 clients

        o HP's Visual User Environment 2.0 (HP VUE)

        o Rollup of all other X/Motif components with the exception of the
          X/Motif development environment which will remain as a layered
          product (it will be rolled independently as needed).

     Though the user interface components can be executed from AEGIS,
     SYS5.3, and BSD4.3, you must have the BSD4.3 environment installed.

tomg@hpcvlx.cv.hp.com. (Thomas J. Gilg) (06/18/91)

> PSK Q3-91 provides support for user interface technologies on HP
> Apollo 9000 Series 400 workstations and the Domain Series 5500 works-
> tations running SR10.3 (only SAU types 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 14).

To clarify, pskq3_91 adds support for the DN5500 in addition to the other
DN{2|3|4}xxx nodes which are already supported.   Ditto the series 400.

Thomas Gilg

mmuegel@fwhnm02.fwrdc.rtsg.mot.com (Michael S. Muegel) (06/19/91)

In article <1991Jun13.225204.4007@uoft02.utoledo.edu> fax0236@uoft02.utoledo.edu writes:
>Is there a public domain or anonymous ftp site from which to get
>Motif for my Apollo DN4500?  Do I need to upgrade from X11R3 to X11R4?

pskq2_91 provides mwm for free (amazing ;-). This is only for '030 machines
running SR10.3. psk8x_040 provides mwm also but for '040 machines (with psk8

Of course, as usual, you get very little with the psks as far as X goes. You
get the R4 server and scalable typefaces but that is it. No Motif widgets
or R4 clients. HP sells something called the HP User Environment Developers
Kit that has Motif widgets and some other junk.


| Mike Muegel                              | Internet: mmuegel@mot.com        |
| Software Tools Group                     | UUCP:     uunet!motcid!muegel    |
| Fort Worth Research & Development Center | Voice:    (817) 232-6129         |
| Radio Telephone and Systems Group        | ... My opinions are surely not   |
| Motorola, Inc.                           |     shared by Motorola :-&       |