jdn@sbcs.sunysb.edu (John Norden) (12/04/88)
Has anyone ever tried to use bcopy to copy a shared memory region
to a non shared region with success. When I run the code bellow I
get a segmentation fault. Is this a bug with bcopy?
This just an example I am actually trying to copy a struct.
shared int x;
main () {
int y;
bcopy (&x, &y, sizeof (int));
John D. Norden | jdn@sbcs.sunysb.edu INTERNET
Dept. of Computer Science | jdn@suny-sb CSNet
SUNY at Stony Brook | {allegra,philabs,pyramid,research}!sbcs!jdn UUCP
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400 | (516) 632-7677 or 632-4569 Voice