(Rick Jaffe) (12/06/89)
New Information: Ingres available Optionally accompanying one of the Symmetries is an Ingres license for the following products, the current list price for which is about $68,000. We are not allowed to sell our license, but we can transfer ownership of it. . Ingres Base Product: runtime environment consisting of the database engine, SQL and QUEL interfaces, QBF, Report-Writer, and the Visual-Form-Editor) . ESQL/C . ABF For Sale: Two Sequent Symmetry S27's Symmetry "oxtrap" . B8000 cabinet . one model B dual-processor board with floating point accelerator (16Mhz 80386, 80387, Weitek 1167) . 16 Mbyte memory . DCC - dual channel SMD disk controller, 3Mb/sec per channel . two 264 Mbyte Fujitsu "Swallow" with power supply . one 540 Mbyte Fujitsu "Double Swallow" with power supply . SCED board - SCSI, ethernet, diagnostics, atomic lock memory . 1600 BPI 9-track tape drive . one 16-serial port card . Dynix license for 16 users . NFS for 2-6 cpu's Symmetry "arbit" . S27 cabinet . one model B dual-processor board with floating point accelerator . 16 Mbyte memory . DCC . one 540 Mbyte Fujitsu "Double Swallow" with power supply . SCED board . 1600 BPI 9-track tape drive . 16 asynch ports . Dynix license for 16 users . NFS for 2-6 cpu's Both systems are currently in use, and are under hardware and software maintenance contracts. contact Richard Jaffe Ocwen Trading, Inc. 2385 Huron Pkwy Ann Arbor, Mi 48104 (313) 971-5950 -- USMail: Ocwen Trading, Inc., 2385 Huron Pkwy, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Phone: +1 313 971-5950 FAX: +1 313 971-0804 UUCP: <backbone>!shadooby!oxtrap!rsj Internet: