[comp.sys.sequent] cshell bug? RTM

jdb@arp.anu.oz.au (John Barlow) (10/29/90)

I run Dynix 3.0.12, and the following code works, as long as you
have the space between the "if" and the "(" :

if (0) then
if (1) then
echo cant get here
echo bug

if you don't have the space it echos "bug".

Please note the manual (although you have to wade through 11 pages,
and then its only a few lines):

> ... It is important to note that no two components of
>     an expression can appear in the same word; except when
>Revision 1.22 87/08/06                                         12
>CSH(1)              DYNIX Programmer's Manual              CSH(1)
>     adjacent to components of expressions which are syntacti-
>     cally significant to the parser (`&' `|' `<' `>' `(' `)')
>     they should be surrounded by spaces.

jdb = John Barlow, Parallel Computing Research Facility,
Australian National University, I-Block, PO Box 4, Canberra, 2601, Australia.
email = jdb@arp.anu.oz.au  {soon to be jdb@arp.anu.edu.au}
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