[comp.sys.pyramid] NFS/RPC services on Pyramid

sandel@tuvalu.SW.MCC.COM (Charles Sandel) (03/25/88)

Our network environment is such that we use a Pyramid 98x
as a "fileserver" for about 68 Sun workstations (Sun-3/{50,140,160,260,280}).
The Pyramid provides its news partition (along with other partitions)
as an NFS filesystem to all of the Suns.  We have noted the
lack of rpc.statd and rpc.lockd on the Pyramid to provide locking
services on NFS filesystems.  Has anyone else bemoaned this
omission?  I have questioned the Pyramid Sales person about this.
He says there are no plans to provide statd or lockd.
I feel this is a grave omission, given that Pyramid is shipping
NFS, supports RPC and also OEM's Sun workstations.
If you have a Pyramid and are running NFS, I would like to urge
you to bring this to Pyramid's attention.

Charles Sandel

Charles Sandel
      arpa: sandel@mcc.com
      uucp: *!ut-sally!im4u!milano!sandel
  All I want is to be free from desire.

jeff@polyslo.UUCP (Jeff Weinstein) (03/28/88)

  Another thing that I would like to see is the yellowpages.  I know that
the yellowpages is perhaps not the best answer, but in some cases it does
do the trick.  Would anyone at Pyramid care to comment on the possible
availability of yellowpages, as well as the lock daemons?

	Jeff Weinstein
	Computer Systems Lab
	Cal Poly State Univ.

bob@allosaur.cis.ohio-state.edu (Bob Sutterfield) (03/28/88)

In article <1679@polyslo.UUCP> jeff@polyslo.UUCP (Jeff Weinstein) writes:
>Another thing that I would like to see is the yellowpages.  I know
>that the yellowpages is perhaps not the best answer, but in some
>cases it does do the trick.

Whenever we get our Pyramid and Sun sources, and when MIT releases
Kerberos and Hesiod, we're going to be looking into those as well.
It's not clear which will happen first: Pyramid releases YP, MIT
releases their stuff, or we get our source distributions.  It's a race
to the finish :-)
 Bob Sutterfield, Department of Computer and Information Science
 The Ohio State University; 2036 Neil Ave. Columbus OH USA 43210-1277
 bob@cis.ohio-state.edu or ...!cbosgd!osu-cis!bob

sas@pyrps5 (Scott Schoenthal) (03/29/88)

In article <1679@polyslo.UUCP> jeff@polyslo.UUCP (Jeff Weinstein) writes:
>  Another thing that I would like to see is the yellowpages.  I know that
>the yellowpages is perhaps not the best answer, but in some cases it does
>do the trick.  Would anyone at Pyramid care to comment on the possible
>availability of yellowpages, as well as the lock daemons?

The question of Yellow Pages support has come up many times.  We are currently
in the process of determining the content of the next couple of OSx releases.
It is recognized that Yellow Pages is important in a Sun/NFS environment.  The
question now is in prioritization of features for the upcoming releases.  To
influence the decision-making, I would suggest contacting your salesperson.

As far as the lock daemon goes, the issues are mainly technical.  The most
recent version of the lock manager that we have (based upon the 3.2/4.3
Sun NFS source) has many problems.  Supposedly, there is a fixed version which
has been provided with SunOS 3.5 that fixes some of the problems we have seen.
I did see a posting this morning in one of the news groups that indicated that
there are still problems with the "fixed" lock manager in SunOS 3.5.

We have been working on a version of the lock manager that fixes many of the
problems that we have encountered.  This version is not yet ready for customer
shipment -- it is currently hoped that it can be scheduled in one of the
upcoming releases.  If you are interested in being a Beta test site for the
lock manager, please contact your salesperson.


#include <disclaimer.h>

Scott Schoenthal   sas@pyrps5.pyramid.com	Pyramid Technology Corp.