[comp.sys.pyramid] VM allocation question

karl@cheops.cis.ohio-state.edu (Karl Kleinpaste) (07/21/89)

I have a user who has a program with these stats, as reported by

text    data    bss     dec     hex
28672   4096    1318008 1350776 149c78

The machine on which he's trying to run it is a 9825 running 4.4c with
a single standard 30Mb swap partition.  pstat -s reports, e.g.,

18312k used (4904k text, 0k shm), 11576k free, 4766k wasted, 0k missing
avail: 4*512k 9*256k 27*128k 29*64k 27*32k 32*16k 536*2k

but when he runs the program, he immediately gets a complaint, "a.out:
Not enough memory."  I have been looking for possible causes for this,
since the amount of space available is really fairly substantial
(considerably more than he will need).  I am wondering if the problem
is due to his BSS section being so large, in combination with pstat
reporting that the largest available single chunk is only half that
amount.  Am I on the right track?  Is the problem due to badly
fragmented space?  Or should I be looking in some other dark corner?


gregu@pyrtech (Greg Ullman) (07/22/89)

In article <KARL.89Jul21083407@cheops.cis.ohio-state.edu> karl@cheops.cis.ohio-state.edu (Karl Kleinpaste) writes:
>I have a user who has a program with these stats, as reported by
>text    data    bss     dec     hex
>28672   4096    1318008 1350776 149c78
>The machine on which he's trying to run it is a 9825 running 4.4c with
>a single standard 30Mb swap partition.  pstat -s reports, e.g.,
>18312k used (4904k text, 0k shm), 11576k free, 4766k wasted, 0k missing
>avail: 4*512k 9*256k 27*128k 29*64k 27*32k 32*16k 536*2k
>but when he runs the program, he immediately gets a complaint, "a.out:
>Not enough memory."  I have been looking for possible causes for this,
>since the amount of space available is really fairly substantial
>(considerably more than he will need).  I am wondering if the problem
>is due to his BSS section being so large, in combination with pstat
>reporting that the largest available single chunk is only half that
>amount.  Am I on the right track?  Is the problem due to badly
>fragmented space?  Or should I be looking in some other dark corner?

Check the value of dmmax and dmmin in /sys/conf/param.c.  If dmmax is
set to 512, then the execv call to start the program failed because a
1024k chunk of swap was unavailable.  Assuming the dmmin=8, the order
of allocation of swap for a program this size would be:

Block        Current       Total
Number       Allocation   Allocated
------       ----------   ---------
  1              16k         16k
  2              32k         48k
  3              64k        112k
  4             128k        240k
  5             256k        496k
  6             512k       1008k

At this point, another block still needs to be allocated, since the total
size is still less than the ~1300k program size.  If dmmax=512, then
the next block requested will be a block of size 1024k.  By the pstat
info, we see that a 1024k block is unavailable, so the execv dies.
However, if dmmax=256, then the next block requested would be one of
size 512k.  Since there are some of these available, I would be at a loss 
to explain the problem.

If dmmax=512, then problem is indeed fragmentation.  Setting dmmax=256
and remaking a kernel would probably fix the problem, but would cut
down the maximum process size to about 16MB.


karl@dinosaur.cis.ohio-state.edu (Karl Kleinpaste) (07/22/89)

Many thanx to Greg Ullman; he has indeed nailed the problem cold.  I
have dmmax=512 in param.c (and dmmin=8), so the problem is badly
fragmented space.  The deeper problem is that the machine in question
is a 9825 (as opposed to our other Pyrs being 98x's and "smaller"),
hence quite fast and nifty, and the users have discovered this, and so
they're beating it up, and so it hasn't got enough swap space...you
get the idea.  We are working on getting another disc into the beast,
but we're not there yet...
I think that everyone's brains get scrambled one way or another.
					--Killashandra Ree